All sales are final due to sanitary reasons.
Damages and issues
Please inspect your order upon receipt and contact us immediately, no later than twenty-four (24) hours upon receipt, if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can investigate and resolve the issue. If an item is damaged, please send a photo of the damaged item to info@shygirlcosmetics.com within twenty-four (24) hours so that we may effectively investigate.
You can always contact us if you have any question at info@shygirlcosmetics.com.
Order Processing
All orders are processed within 5-8 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) after receiving your order confirmation email. Orders placed on a weekend, holiday or on a business day after 5:00 pm Pacific Time will be received on the following business day.
Shipping Notification
You will receive another notification when your order has shipped. Once the order has shipped and in the applicable courier’s possession, liability for the items shall pass to the applicable courier and Shy Bear Cosmetics LLC is no longer responsible for the items.
Potential shipping delays may occur due to high volume of orders or postal service problems. Shy Bear Cosmetics LLC is not responsible for any shipping delays caused beyond our control such as postal service problems, severe weather, any other natural disasters, fires, quarantines, strikes, riots, war.
Domestic Shipping Rates and Estimates
Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout.